We wanted to provide an update to our clients that still need to file their 2019 income tax returns and what to expect while our country is dealing with COVID-19. These expectations are to help minimize the points of contact that our clients and employees may have in order to minimize the risk of contracting or spreading the virus. Unless mandated by local, state or federal or authorities we plan to stay open as scheduled.
Clients have multiple options to submit their tax information in order to minimize contact as follows if there is not a need to meet with their tax professional:
- Upload tax information to our secure portal on our website. Please contact us if you are not already set up. Upon uploading your tax information please contact our office to inform us that your tax information is uploaded.
- Mail tax information to 11183 Lake Blvd – Suite 102, Chisago City, MN 55013.
- Place information in the drop box at our office.
If you do not want to come to our location to pick up your tax return, we can mail a hard copy of your tax return to you with instructions of what to sign and return to our office. We do offer electronic signature via Right Signature so that we can expedite the processing of your tax return if you want that option. We do need a separate email for each signer on the tax return, if this is an option you prefer to utilize. For clients that receive their tax return via the portal, we will only mail you a hard copy of your return if requested, or if you have provided original documents to us and we need to return them to you. All clients that pick up their tax information from our front desk or when meeting with their tax professional will receive a hard copy.
On March 17, 2020 the IRS extended the date to pay your taxes to July 15, 2020. They have not extended your time to file your taxes. Minnesota and Wisconsin have not decided yet what they will do. With these changes, the following is our protocol going forward:
- Requests for extension to file need to be received by our office by Friday, April 10th so that we have time to file your extension. We are expecting many extension requests, so we need to be sure we have enough time to get these loaded and filed by April 15th.
- Call our office at 651.257.2152 or email general@lindgrentaxandaccounting.com to request.
- After April 15th we will be shifting gears to our bookkeeping clients and payroll clients so that we can complete their required reports and other items by Monday, April 20, 2020 and Thursday, April 30, 2020 when they are due. This means that during the last two weeks of April you may see longer turnaround times on getting your taxes completed while we focus on the other services that our firm provides.
- The following are our expected hours at this time:
- Through Saturday, April 4th
- Monday – Thursday: 9:00 – 9:00
- Friday & Saturday 9:00 – 4:00
- Starting April 5th
- Monday – Thursday: 9:00 – 7:00
- Friday: 9:00 – 4:00
- Starting April 16th
- Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 4:00
- Through Saturday, April 4th
We will continue to offer face-to-face meetings for the foreseeable future. We are merely trying to inform our clients that they have other options to get their tax information to us if they do not need to meet with their tax professional. If you are getting your information to us without meeting with us, and have specific questions or concerns that you want us to address while completing your tax return, please provide a note with these items or send your tax professional an email. Our tax professionals email addresses are as follows:
Cory Lindgren – cory@lindgrentaxandaccounting.com
Courtney Knuth – courtney@lindgrentaxandaccounting.com
Wade Clarin – wade@lindgrentaxandaccounting.com
General Questions –general@lindgrentaxandaccounting.com
Unless there are unforeseen circumstances, we will continue to allow clients to drop off their tax information with our tax professionals with an appointment or by dropping off at our front desk. We are, however, asking if you are showing even mild symptoms of a cold or other possible illness that you submit your information to us in one of the manners above. We all have loved ones that can be high-risk should they contract the COVID-19 virus and we want to make sure that we are minimizing the risk of spreading any illness to our staff, clients, and their loved ones.
When dropping off your tax information to us, we ask that you provide us with your completed organizer that was mailed to you. If you need a new organizer, you can also get and/or complete our organizer that is available on our website.
We hope that the current situation that our country is facing is short-term and that our clients experience minimal affects to their day to day living as we all face conditions and a living environment none of us could have ever predicted.
Please continue to support your local business wherever you can. Many of them are clients of ours and many are not. Either way, they need our support more than ever to help ride out the unexpected economic storm we are expecting to be on.
Should there be a need to make additional changes to our operations we will provide additional updates to our clients on our Facebook Page and our website at www.lindgrentaxandaccounting.com.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office at 651.257.2152.
Thank you,
Cory R. Lindgren
Enrolled Agent/Tax Professional