While our lobby isn’t open, our tax professionals are still processing tax returns. While you can mail your tax information or drop off your tax returns in our drop box in the foyer of our building, Lindgren Tax & Accounting provides you an even better option of securely receiving and delivering your tax information without you even needing to leave home.
From our website at https://lindgrentaxandaccounting.com/client-portal/ you can either use the File Drop option to securely upload and send your tax information to your tax professional, or you can access your personal folder on our Secure Sharefile Portal. If you are not already setup up on Sharefile your tax professional will likely set you up with this option if we are provided with your email address. If you want access right away you can also contact our office if you want your personal folder setup in advance of your return being completed.
Upon completion of your return we will mail you a hard copy of your tax return if requested. We will be able to send you any documents that require signatures via our secure signature software as well so the return processing can be expedited.