New Clients

Information about becoming a new client of Lindgren Tax & Accounting


New Clients

The tax preparation industry is encountering a shortage of tax professionals as the number of tax professionals retiring continues to outpace the number of new tax professionals entering this profession.  As a result, it is hard to find a new preparer that will fit your needs.  The most common reason people are looking for a new tax professional is their tax professional retiring or unexpectedly passing away. Our firm will be here to serve our clients for several years to come so you can feel confident that you can build a long term relationship with one of our tax professionals at our office.

Our office does take new clients on a very limited and case-by-case basis, mainly based on current workload and availability.   If you contact our office, and we have stopped taking new clients for the season, we encourage you to come see us between May and December so we can review your prior year return and get you preloaded into our system for the next season.

Note, a new client is anyone that we did not provide income tax planning and preparation services in the prior calendar year.

Items for a New Client Tax Return

In addition to the organizer and checklist on our forms page, the following are a listing of items needed if we did not complete your prior year’s tax return:

  • Prior year’s tax return – We generally like to see at least the most recent tax return filed, but recommend you bring in the most recent two years of tax returns if available.  In some cases, we may need the last five years of your returns if you are a business.
  • Depreciation schedules for any rental properties and business assets or equipment from your prior year’s return.  You will need to contact your prior tax professional if these are not included in your tax return copy already.


Off-Season Returns

If you are not a current client, will not be able to come see us during tax season, and would like us to still prepare your tax return you are responsible for filing your own extension and estimating any potential tax liability you may have so you can make a tax extension payment if necessary. 

Current clients should always contact us if an extension is needed, since they do not get filed automatically, if you will not be able to get your information to us by April 1st.

We appreciate your consideration and hope we can serve you in the future.