Dear Client,
With Minnesota’s Stay At Home Order expiring and allowing businesses to begin opening on Monday, May 18th with proper safety guidelines in place we wanted to inform you of what our current plans are for our own three-phase plan through June 15th. We are requesting all returns be in our office by June 26th to ensure that we have enough time to have your returns completed by Friday, July 10th. Our hours are 9:00 – 4:00 Monday through Friday. Since this is technically our offseason, and to keep our labor costs down, we are not planning to offer evening appointments and will not be available for appointments on the weekends.
Courtney and Cory will be in the office during office hours. If you are one of Wade’s clients, Courtney or Cory will more than likely be assisting you since he does not come into the office from May through January.
Our decision to adopt this three-phase plan, posted on the back of this letter, is not influenced by any political agenda or personal beliefs, but is to ensure the safety of our employees and clients for the following reasons:
- Cory having a high-risk child at home and the need to minimize any risk of exposure as best we can.
- To be able to maintain offering our income tax, payroll processing and accounting services. With only Cory and Courtney in the office during the off season, having one of us contract COVID-19 will have a severe impact on our ability to provide our services should one or both of us becomes ill.
- Slower part of tax season, less clients feeling the need to meet in person for their taxes, and the filing deadline being July 15, 2020.
Our guidelines are developed in combination with input from Cory and Shawna Lindgren and our staff, and feel they provide the best protection for our staff and clients. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and make necessary changes to the following procedures based on any changes to the situation or concerns that the owners or employees may have when reviewing all data publicly available.
6 feet or more of social distancing is required to be maintained between clients and employees. Masks are available for our clients for use in our office if preferred. Staff will wear masks upon client request. In addition to this, we will be asking certain questions and performing temperature checks before you meet with staff.
I hope you are all staying healthy during this unexpected time for our country and are continuing to support our local small businesses whenever possible. Having many of these local businesses as clients and seeing how it has impacted their business and employees, I know they are all anxious to return to normal operations as soon as they feel it is feasible. Hopefully, all the residents of our small communities can all have a return to normalcy soon in all the aspects of our daily lives, whether or not you have been impacted in some way during this time.
Thank you,
Cory R Lindgren
Lindgren Tax & Accounting Three-Phase Plan For Opening
Through May 31st
- No in person meetings with clients
- Our lobby is closed to clients.
- DROP OFFS: We will continue to ask you to drop information off in our drop box or via curbside service if your information is too thick to fit in the drop box slot.
- PICK UPS: We will continue mailing tax returns and other information out to our clients upon completion.
- If preferred, you can get the documents via curbside or slots in our foyer during business hours.
- Curbside service is being utilized to exchange documents and for minimal conversation. Any questions can be answered over the phone.
Starting June 1st
- Our lobby will be open, but no in person meetings with clients in our offices. Clients will be able to drop information off in our lobby, but we will not be meeting with clients.
- Drop box in our foyer is available for drop off 24/7.
- No more than two people allowed in our lobby.
- Tax returns will be mailed to clients or available for pickup in our lobby or via curbside without an in-person review. Tax professionals will make a digital copy available to you and/or review the return with you over the phone in advance.
Starting June 15th
- In person meetings will be allowed to resume.
- Only one client per appointment
- Appointments less than 15 minutes preferred.
- Please do not enter our lobby more than five minutes before your appointment so we can keep the number of clients in our office to no more than one in each office and two in the lobby.
- Clients will be called the day before to confirm appointments and no symptoms of illness. We will do temperature checks when you are meeting with a tax professional.
- No more than two people allowed in our lobby.
- Staff will wipe down desks and chairs between appointments.
- Only one client per appointment
Note, as state guidelines and recommendations continue to change, we may have to modify or extend these procedures above.